Birth & Death Certificates

Birth & Death certificate attestation is compulsory for various requirements in UAE including migration purposes and school admission. The attestation confirms the authenticity of the certificate. The procedure for birth certificate attestation in UAE involves ministries and departments in the country of origin and UAE. Hence, it is a drawn-out process.
The birth certificate will initially be forwarded to the country of origin. After verification by a public notary, it will be forwarded to departments and finally to the Ministry of External Affairs/ Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MEA/ MOFA). The Embassy/ Consulate of the UAE in the origin country will sign the application finally. The subject certificate has to be submitted to MOFA in UAE for the final attestation of the birth certificate.
The procedure involves many officials from different departments in both countries. Thus making the task arduous for an outsider. You may not have the exact idea of the process resulting in undue delay in completion of the attestation. Attestation services in UAE can help you by accomplishing the attestation on your behalf of you.
Birth certificate is an important document, which is essential for applying for a passport, resident visa and many other official requirements of importance. The significance of a birth certificate needs no further emphasis. Therefore, the document has to be handled with care and should avoid any chances of misplacing or loss. This underscores the fact that you should assign the task of birth certificate attestation to a reliable agency only.
To get your birth certificate attestation in Dubai or anywhere in UAE, you need to find the best attestation agency in UAE for assigning the task. Choosing experienced professionals like Nile team will complete the attestation of birth certificate in quick time and hand it over to you.
Nile has been renowned as the trustworthy attestation agency in UAE. We have a long list of accomplishments since our inception. Keeping a great rapport with official authorities and having in-depth knowledge about the procedure, we can conclude the attestation services without any delay. We are one of the leading and most chosen attestation services in UAE.
Contact us to know more about our attestation services and avail of our service.

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